Whether you’re breaking ground on a new facility, remodeling an existing space, or simply replacing existing equipment our One Team approach ensures we’re aligned from start to finish. When it comes to designing your fitness center, we understand that it’s as much a recruiting tool for your student body as it is for your student athletes. With this in mind we’ve created a wide range of custom options that allows you to showcase your school colors as well as your logos so your facility is able to have as much or as little branding as you desire. Below are a few of the items you’ll be guided through:
• 2D Rendering
• 3D Layout
• Customization
• Budget
• Financing
There is no better partner than Core Health & Fitness because our portfolio of commercial brands – StairMaster, Schwinn, Nautilus, Star Trac, Throwdown, and Wexer – not only accommodate a wide range of aesthetics, but also provide a multitude of training options to keep pace with the changes your coaches know are coming. When you start your consultation, you’ll be speaking with an industry expert focused on understanding the goals of your facility. We understand the unique requirements of outfitting a space that meets the needs of your steady state cross country team, your explosive volleyball team as well as your dynamically powerful football team. Below are just a few of the facilities we’ve been able to collaborate with and go from concept to completion.
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